tire rims & surrendering our past & control

Hey friends!!

I was washing my car this week (remember my Volkswagen, Victor?!) & was using a tire brush to clean the wheels. I embarrassingly noted the frequency at which I scrape curbs when I am parallel parking. It is obvious as I carry these marks on my car with me. My car shows that it’s owner does not do the best job parking or having spacial awareness, haha. Thankfully, we all have areas to improve, right?

Anyway, I was thinking about this later that evening in life group. I was sitting in our weekly mutual ministry time. A time where we get to share our heart, mindset, prayer requests, struggles, and more. Another friend talked about working through some difficult things from her past.

Often - we allow past experiences to leave far too much impact & definition - really they may just be scrapes on our tire rims we need to let go of & surrender to God to repair.

Sometimes, it is hard for me to surrender things to the Lord. I want to be selfish, & think that I am in control. Sometimes, I want to hold resentment in my heart for things or people that have wronged me in my past. Sometimes, I excuse my desire for control as, not taking it for what it is. Usually, this is just a lack or forgiveness or giving into my fear.

“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5: 6 & 7

It is hard to humble ourselves enough to realize our incapabilites of control or strength. I only have the strength & energy that God gives me to accomplish His will. And, He promises to reward or honor us later as we turn the glory to Him, getting to serve Him daily.

From a personal perspective & lived experience, I feel this often with suffering or grief. I want to hold tightly to a previous loss of a foster sibling, for example. I want to let my painful loss consume me - selfishly leaning into my fears, frustration, & anxieties. But God is greater than any loss, sadness, or trial. He promises to care for us & He holds our worries & cares when they are too big for us. We don’t need to hold this past suffering. Bear with me here - God has forgiveness and strength than can buff out any tire rim scratch or dent. He makes us new, making our tires look like we actually know how to parallel park. While tire rims hold their past pain & traumas, we can rest in healing & being made new in Christ.

So friends, I hope you know we are created by a Savior that loves us, and whose ways are far greater than we can imagine. He holds & heals & forgives, especially in those times it seems impossible.




just a vapor