mama memories

Hi friends!

A little bit of a different post today as we anticipate Mother’s Day tomorrow. I wanted to share a few memories of my mama. She has been an amazing wife for nearly 30 years, and a forever mom to four kids, and mom for a season to over a dozen children.

The intricacies of God’s design never cease to amaze me. What a privilege & joy to be born, to be treasured, loved, & cared for. I see the depth of joy especially as I have known many people who did not grow up with a mom, or did not have a kind and caring mom. Also thankful for the loving women who help fill in the gaps, love children that aren’t theirs, listen & hug & comfort.

🌷one time when I was 3 or 4, my mom and I had some errands that required a lot of driving. My brothers were at school, so we spent the day busy, doing our tasks & through all of it, my mama and I sang countless songs, played I spy, and she listened to my endless chatter. I remember distinctly the feeling of my 5 point harness car seat & her handing me my blue blanket to put between my head & the side of the car seat when I got tired & napped in the car. I remember her soft smiling eyes as she looked at me in the rear view mirror.

🌷in first grade, the first day of school landed on my 6th birthday. My mama had woken up early, hung decorations in the kitchen & made a birthday breakfast just to make my birthday special.

🌷after a late night of a family dinner & movie night, I slept in one morning when I was 7 & woke up at 10:10 on a summer morning. I remember so distinctly because I’ve always been an early riser and seeing that time on my clock was so out of the norm. I had vaguely heard a few hours before when my mom opened the blinds & windows for early morning air and went back to sleep. I walked down the stairs looking for my mom and she was loading laundry into the washer. She stopped mid task, gave me a hug, kissed my forehead, and said, “you slept so long, honey, your body must have needed it.” Sometimes it’s the sweet & simple things that stick so much.

🌷in a season of little siblings, I treasured going to the park with my mom as a teenager, walking beside her as she pushed a stroller, always chatting & listening & sharing her wisdom to my young dilemmas.

🌷my mama and I have spend many sweet evenings watching “Gilmore Girls” and have covered all the best rom coms, some of them more than once.

I hope you all have a special Mother’s Day. Whether it’s with your mama, missing your mama, or another circumstance; I hope you get the opportunity to tell a mama in your life they are special & you love them. And if you are a mama, know how important you are. Your simple, tiring, mundane days are making the biggest impact on little hearts.


wear & tear on our hearts

