our words are powerful

Hey friends!!

Words! Did you know the average person speaks anywhere from 8000-13,000 words a day? Most of us are probably getting more words than steps in a day.

I was sitting at dinner with friends recently & we were chatting about people in our lives. On one topic, both the friend that I was with and I found ourselves discussing a decision another individual had made. It was a part of their life they may have not appreciated us discussing. The next day, I was on a run reflecting on our dinner conversation. I felt pretty yucky to be honest as I reflected on this conversation. I am very social and have conversations with at least a dozen people every day. I strive to have my words be gracious, humble, and gentle. Sometimes though, I find myself sharing parts of someone’s life that wasn’t my story to tell. Do you fall into gossip like me sometimes? Gossip always leaves me filled with terrible regret. I wondered if my words were lined with gossip at dinner the night before. Would I have said what I said in a different setting? Where by words building others up? Were they even necessary? I may have spoken words lightheartedly or meaning with kindness, but truly, they didn’t need to be shared.

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

Ephesians 4:29

Where my words encouraging that night? Was I building this friend up in talking about them? Honestly no.

Words hold incredible power…whether negative or positive. I nanny littles - babies & young toddlers right now. It’s not lost on me the depth & impressionability of these sweet little minds. What are they learning from me? A few weeks ago, I was nannying a baby and an older kiddo. I don’t watch many older kiddos & don’t often find myself needing to voice or explain emotions or correct attitudes as with babies care requires a lot of meeting needs. I was cooking dinner & holding the baby. He was teething and fussy. My older kiddo was reaching that all too familiar tiring stretch before dinner where everyone is hangry, tried, bored, etc. I was exhausted & overstimulated. I was singing to the baby & started singing to myself partially too as I ran through the words of “Be patient, be patient, don’t be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember, remember, that God is patient too, & think of all the times when others have had to wait for you.”

My kiddo asked why I was singing this song & it sparked a great conversation about patience & attitudes. Not all my moments are this sweet & shiny thought. I get frustrated, kids whine, I find myself needing to say I’m sorry. I am never perfect & always striving to be wary in my words. What an honor it is to be a part of these little’s lives.

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing hear.”

Hebrews 10:23-25

Sometimes I think there are appropriate times to bring up another family member or friend in conversation; like in the instance of coming alongside them in prayer during a difficult season. I enjoy getting the opportunity to tangibly love & serve a family member or friend. Often this can be done best with help or input from others. We can pray for someone together. We can discuss & put together a meal plan together for a family or individual in need. It is a joy to seek or wisdom or advice from a trusted mentor in navigating family or relationships. But really, outside of these, the reasons to talk about other people are far & few between.

“How sweet your words taste to me;
    they are sweeter than honey.”

Psalm 119:103

Will you join me in thinking about your words, friends? I’m working consciously be gracious, patient, & considerate in my language. I am striving to build others up & encourage them with my words. If my heart in seeking the Lord & serving in surrender to Him, do my words reflect that?


stuck in my head


life isn’t lived in the butterflies