do you wonder why?

Hey friends!!

Do you ever stop & realize God has you exactly where you are for His glory & your own good? This season is ambivalent to me. The last couple years have held graduations, job changes, moving out of my parents’ house, navigating adult friendships, family relationships, and dating. I find myself discontented and uncertain when I question why the Lord has things set before me.

I wonder why I chose to change careers and give in to an anxious heart.  

I wonder why I live in the house that I do with the roommates that I do and find myself feeling a lack of peace.

 I wonder why I spilled milk between the cabinets and fridge & splashed inside the clean dishwasher and react impatiently to the toddler.

I wonder why I haven’t reached an end goal or figured out where my challenge or relationship is headed and I end up frustrated.

So, I’ve been making an effort lately to stop wondering. To stop comparing my life, decisions, relationships, and personal growth to other people. God has given other people different convictions that me. He has placed them in different families, different jobs, and given them different passions.

“We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16: 1-3

I have been complaining and constantly wishing I had more knowledge and wisdom, and being frustrated that this season holds so many emotionally complex challenges. When will it be simple and when will the ‘whys’ be evident?

In reality, we probably all wish this at some point in their lives. I guess some of that is the joy of the mystery in God’s will. W will never arrive. My most frequent prayer will continue to be for wisdom. To some extent, the trials, challenges, and painful growth are never ending on this side of eternity.

Just keep doing one step at a time with the discernment and current knowledge that you have. You slowly grow and learn and just move forward little bits at a time. If there’s not evidence that God is closing a door in this circumstance, job, relationship, etc. don’t let uncertainty or fear be your driving factor. Just simply move forward a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, seeking to glorify the Lord in each small task at a time.


just enough of His glory

