life from little people’s perspectives

Happy Friday friends! In my attempt to post on Mondays I have yet to ever actually post on a Monday, so stay tuned haha. For now, enjoy these Friday thoughts.

I love children. I truly believe that each and every child is a blessing from God. Fun fact: through biology, adoption, & foster siblings - I have had 13 siblings.

Bonus fun fact: every time I run a half marathon, I pray for each one of them each of the 13 miles.

I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of my life with children. Little cousins, little siblings, helping in church nursery, thousands & thousands of hours of babysitting, working in pediatrics, the list goes on. Even after all this, minds of little ones never cease to amaze me. A few sweet (and funny) interactions this week…

  • the 10-month-old I nanny is going through this super pleasant shrieking phase. she. shrieks. all. the. time. I think she is going to grow up with plenty of sass and drama. Her favorite thing to shriek about is if I get more than a foot away from her. Apparently, in her mind, I should never get up, never set her down to play on the floor, never use the bathroom alone, never try to cook something without a baby in my arms. This sweet girl has given me the only upper body strength I have doing everything with her in one arm. Haha my arms are tired.

  • a darling 5-year-old at work came into our clinic with an eye injury, turned out to be a mild corneal abrasion. I asked him to explain what happened as he was truly enjoying all the excitement this was causing. He told me the vivid description of how he was trying to dig a hole in the ground for his pinecone and when vigorously digging with his stick he managed to be “too strong” and the stick came right back & poked him in the eye. Sweet buddy was still quite confused about how his digging method did not go quite according to plan.

  • today I was driving my little 9-year-old brother home from school and we chatted about all the things. He told me a joke and I glanced at him in the rear view mirror & my breath caught in my throat. Who was this tall, so much older looking big kid. What is happening?! Some days feel long but then you look back & it’s like have you grown 2 inches today while you were at school. I love him seeing grow, but sometimes I wish he would stay little forever.

  • a 2-year-old at work had the most exciting day at the doctor this week because she got to use my special-princess-pink cover for my pulse ox machine. I guess you never knew your wheezing could turn into something so intriguing!! She went from crying to smiling and saying thank you because having her 02 checked was just the best thing ever.

I love these little ones. I am so thankful to have gotten years nurturing, bathing, feeding, playing, and imagining along with so many kiddos. I am in a season of loving the idea of not having my own children to be honest. That seems odd to me because most of my life I have grown up wanting to be a mama. The last several months, life seems just great to never have my own kids, but just get the opportunity to love on other people’s kids. Though I love them, it is also wonderful to give a baby back to a more rested mama and not carry that responsibility, sometimes I get tired of answering 4-year-old’s hundreds of whys, diapers are just not that enjoyable. But to all the mamas who have loved me and had their gracious mothering rub off on me, I appreciate you. I love your children & am thankful to be a part of their lives.




changing seasons