changing seasons

Happy Fall friends!

This afternoon I walked out of my office to grab my grocery pickup on my lunch break and stopped mid sidewalk. I smelled the air (a deep overdramatic straight-out-of-Gilmore-Girls) sniff. It. Is. Officially. Fall. Leaves on the ground, rain, and freshness. Fall is my favorite season. Everyone says summer in the PNW is the best, which is fully true if you are looking for sunshine blue skies, & happy lake days. I love the gorgeous vast array of fall leaves, pouring rain, chilly morning, & all the fall rom-coms.

This fall holds a lot of change for me. I moved into a new place a month ago, I went back to college a week ago, & along with those changes comes new rhythms. I love soaking up spontaneity & adventure, so it’s the little routines that I enjoy. Starting each day with a hot cup of coffee, daily walks with my pup, snuggling up in a blanket to read my Bible. Busyness and bubbly energy usually consume my days & I enjoy the balance of these calm little moments. Change used to scare me - it would make me anxious & uncertain. I truly embrace change now with excitement. I look forward to new challenges & meeting new people is one of my favorites activities; which is kind of funny because I don’t love small talk. I love diving in and sharing the dance of get-to-know you life stories with new people. I like going deep & hearing the hard stuff & discussing our differences respectfully. Some of the classes I am taking this quarter are studying different opinions and perspectives and its been a fun experience so far. There is such value in seeing other’s lives & how their season & relationships grow & change.

To some up my scattered thoughts, I love looking at life in seasons. There is great hope that we don’t need to feel sadness when we have eternity to look forward to. I said goodbye to several sweet friends that moved away this summer. I am happy that someday we never will say goodbye again. I take joy in looking at each happiness in life as something I am blessed with for now. Having the ability to run, a sweet relationship, a child’s fun developmental stage, good weather, all the things. Thankful for this season friends!

Hope you all are enjoying the fall season!!


life from little people’s perspectives


my running story