my running story

Hey friends! So happy you are here.

I thought I would share a part of my life that holds joy, lots of my energy, & fills many hours of my life. I am an avid runner.

I have loved running since 2017. I started running before school in my sophomore year of HS doing 3-5 miles per day. It was the fall of 2017 and still pretty dark out so I began as a treadmill runner in my parent’s basement. I think a conglomeration of things inspired me to be a runner. I wanted to get the opportunity to move my body before sitting at school for 8 hours, I thought it was an excellent way to get rid of my stress, and I loved feeling energized after running.

I then woke up each day aching to run. Treadmill, road miles, trails, anything. My adventure buddy Rocket sometimes joins me when he can keep up haha.

In 2017 my brother started dating my sis in law, Kenzie, who he would later marry in 2020. In 2018, she and I started running together. We decided to sign up for both of our first half marathons in November of 2018. We went into it with minimal training knowledge but finished in 2 hours and 17 minutes. We had trained up to 10 miles and tapered some the pre race week. We still laugh about how we didn’t think all of it through & didn’t consider how we were fueled & hydrated. I never knew there was so much to learn about running when I started.

Also in 2018, my aunt started running with me. She had always been active, but really settled into the passion of running that summer. My birthday is in September, so we set a goal to do our longest run yet for my birthday. We chose a run full of hills that circled a lake that held lots of childhood memories. My grandparents owned a house at this beautiful lake in WA, & we often stayed there as a family. It was a little over 8 miles to run around the lake, & as we were new runners, we took it slow, & it took almost an hour and a half. (I can cruise through this run in a little over an hour now.) My family came outside & made a banner out of toilet paper for us to run to as we completed our long run. The excitement & satisfaction of doing something challenging was thrilling. My strength has increased & my goals have changed, but my aunt & I always look back fondly on this memory.

In June of 2019, my sis in law & I ran our second half marathon in honor of a family member who had passed away. We ran with a bigger group of friends who joined for the half or ran the 10K. We finished that race in 2 hours and 9 minutes.

COVID19 hit in 2020 and our running really took off. There weren’t a ton of hobbies that you could enjoy during covid so many hours were spent on the trails. In 2021 I got to cheer my sis in law on an she ran her first full marathon.

I improved immensely in 2020 and 2021 in my speed an endurance. My average minute/mile went from 10:00-8:30/9:00. I did longer distance runs and could run 8-10 miles without training or planning.

Running has been wonderful for my physical and mental health. I feel so refreshed and energized getting outside and sweating and running off all the stresses of work & life.

In November of 2021 I was diagnosed with pericarditis & pleurisy. I was symptomatic for about 2 months and unable/advised not to run do to pain & spiking high blood pressure. Though I struggled physically during this time, I hurt even more mentally. It was devastating for me to lose something that had been a joy each day for the last 4 years. I didn’t have a daily run to look forward to anymore and I did not know how long my heart wouldn’t be working properly. I learned even deeper than my identity is not in my physical body, but relying on our Savior who created us.

“Yet to all who did all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12

I am so thankful for this trial because it grew me so much. At the time is was more frustration & tears than I would like to admit. It humbled me & gave me a far greater perspective of gratitude than I ever had before. I am thankful for every day Jesus gives me strength in my body & breath in my lungs to run.

“6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1: 6-7

The first weekend in June of 2022, I ran a relay race in Seabrook, WA with 5 other lovely ladies. We ran a total of 75 miles together. This style of running challenge was exciting & such a sweet time of connection.

At the end of June in 2022 I ran my first downhill race and finished in 2 hours and 14 minutes. It was what I thought of as a “casual” race because I ran with a roommate and we spent the race enjoying the views & chatting. Another fun fact with this race was that I met my roommate a few days before running this half marathon. We were each at an event & wearing sandals. We noticed each other’s blistered & calloused toes & got to talking about running. She told me she had a half marathon planned that Saturday & I asked if I could join. I knew she was a get as she let me spontaneously join her on this race & we became friends from there, & I moved in with her a few months later. I am so thankful that running has brought so many joyful memories & connections.

In July of 2022 my sis in law and I PR’d on the same race that we had done in 2019. I finished in 1 hour and 59 minutes, barely hitting my goal of a sub 2 hour race.

I still run nearly every day. Over the last few years, I have increased my average speed & mileage. My body thrives running about 30-35 miles a week, & fluctuate between an 8:30/9:00 minute/mile.


changing seasons