people work

Hi friends!

I believe that whatever you choose to do or are placed in the responsibility of, your productivity & efficiency skyrockets if you are doing something you are passionate about. I work with fantastic pediatricians who value their jobs & love their patients & advocate well for them medically. I know & was raised by a stay-at-home mom who passionately loved & cared for her children day in and day out. I know construction workers who work hard physically & who’s brains thrive in critical thinking & fixing & making objectives work.

The last 2 years, I have worked as a Medical Assistant at a pediatric office. I LOVE it. I work one-on-one with a pediatrician, taking vitals, rooming patients, giving immunizations, drawing blood, doing paperwork & phone calls, etc. It is fast paced, has some challenges, & I talk to dozens and dozens of people throughout my workday. It is wonderful.

This summer, I was working through next steps in my career/school/job steps. I originally wanted to go deeper in healthcare, but so sum it up sparing you the details, it feels overly politicized & I think for myself as an individual, it could results in burnout.

So I am currently getting my Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. My actual degree title is Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Behavior Health. My goal is probably to go on & get a Master’s Degree and be a social worker for the state, private agency, or possibly work in a hospital setting as something like a case manager. I love the broad possibilities in this degree. If something doesn’t fit well, I could try a different job in the same career path. When I told one of my favorite pediatricians, a kind, older gentlemen, about my schooling, he smiled & told me that he cannot wait to see where this takes me & that we both share the passion of people. Working with people’s physical, emotional, or mental health is fascinating to me & deeply inspiring because I love people.

Last week, I had a kind patient who had 2 very sick babies. A 20-month-old & a 2-month-old that both had RSV & bronchiolitis. It was a rough morning & resulted in the newborn turning blue, & we stabilized him before sending him off to the hospital to be admitted for more intensive treatment than could be provided at home. Now, a week later, the sweet baby was brought in for a follow up from the hospital. His mom brought me a present & a kind handwritten card & hugged me, thanking me for helping keep her baby alive & healthy. This family was above & beyond sweet & I appreciated their kind words & was so thankful to see them feeling healthier.

This got me thinking, I am so passionate about people work. I have loved the tangible immediacy of caring for small children. I love singing & comforting a fussy baby & feeling them fall asleep in your arms. I enjoy making meals for kids & sitting & chatting hearing their imagination. I love the feeling of a sweet chunky toddler hand in mine when we get outside for a walk. I enjoy caring for children. I also love working in healthcare & physically meeting kid’s needs. I am excited to advocate for patients & clients as a future social worker.

I am so thankful to be surrounded by people & get the opportunity to love them.

“We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19


how are you filling your mind & finding motivation?


my car key saga