how are you filling your mind & finding motivation?

Happy Tuesday friends! And Happy 2023!

I was chatting with a friend last night & she was reflecting on how motivated & great she had felt that week. We talked about rhythms of thoughts & productivity & spirals of these patterns. She said she spend hours reading her Bible, listening to sermons on her commute, & listening to worship music. I reflected on my week, feeling exhausted, getting strep, probably watching more Netflix than I should have, excusing myself as I had felt so yucky.

So how do you fill your mind & body? I find that my best weeks are full of joyful music, encouraging time with friends, reading my Bible, getting outside for runs & walking my dog, productive workdays, & nutritious food. It’s funny when you think about that because all those things don’t take top priority. Why would I ‘waste’ my time meal prepping when I can grab something less nutritious & save myself a valuable half hour? And then I see the fruits of taking time to do these monotonous things when I feel energized & motivated. I love to find things that I enjoy & incorporate them into my every day life if I can. One thing this has meant for me is to continue nannying while working full time in healthcare, because I LOVE it. I love the sweet simplicity & joy of little people, baby snuggles, & seeing fresh minds explore the world. This takes time, but also incorporates blessing other people and more income in addition to the enjoyment of little people.

I hope this is inspiring to you to do the same. Pick a few priorities - maybe it’s on 2, or 5, or 10. Often, I think New Year’s resolutions are overrated. If you want to start a new habit, you could start anytime. But sometimes the motivation of a new year or month may be the right thing for you. Some simple lifestyle & habit changes I have focused on lately include:

  • being in the Word every day

  • getting outside every day (usually this is going for a run for me)

  • eat at least 3 times a day & include protein each meal or snack

  • drinking more water (I aim for 4-5 of my 24 oz water bottles)

  • seek to encourage friends & then suddenly I find myself encouraged in return - so much joy soaking up community with others

I’m not saying that any of these other (possibly non-productive) activities are bad, just that we should have balance in them. Netflix can be enjoyed & a nice break from reality every few days to watch a rom-com haha. Eating ice cream can be a fun treat after a nutritious meal, and hey, it even has some protein! I just find such encouragement immersing myself in joyful activities & community, & I hope that is inspiring for you.

“20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” Philippians 3:20-21


don’t let grief eclipse your joy


people work