don’t let grief eclipse your joy

Hey there friends!!

I am leaving my job as a medical assistant in pediatrics in less than 2 weeks. It is rather bittersweet. I have worked at the same clinic since 2020, a little over 2 years now. I have thoroughly enjoyed this season of work & learning & building professional relationships. I have loved working with the fast-paced pediatrician I have been paired with & getting to care for families & children.

I am leaving because I am pursuing new opportunities. I am diving into my social work degree & want to have the time & energy to learn all that I can. I am going to continue to nanny & increase my hours for more income. The last 7-8 years I have always nannied & loved it & I am looking forward to plenty of baby time & snuggles in the upcoming months. Over the next 2-3 years, Lord-willing, I will graduate, hopefully enter a master’s program, & do some in person learning, hopefully launching into an entry-level social work job.

Last week, I was sitting in the car with some friends headed up for a day of skiing on the mountain. We all love Jesus & we were talking about things God is teaching us these days. One of the guys asked me if I was sad to be leaving a job that I loved. After a moment of contemplation, I answered honestly - no. I have had moments of sadness, but honestly, I am so full of gratitude to have the opportunity to pursue a new season. God has opened new doors, I love to learn, & I am excited to do something I am passionate about.

I think that this example really shows true in so many areas of life. Another friend was recently sharing in the context of dating this same thought process. I realized that there are seasons when we mourn, & this can cause us to miss the joy. We allow the grief of a change or loss to completely eclipse our joy. I have felt this many times with foster siblings. Sometimes I miss a child that I used to live with so deeply, I miss what the Lord has in store right in front of me.

From my young & inexperienced perspective, this is why I work hard to live in the moment. There is so much excitement in soaking up the present tasks & opportunities for spontaneity. I have found such great joy in pouring into current relationships & working hard in what is set before me each day.

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV

Thanks for reading!


yesterday & today & forever


how are you filling your mind & finding motivation?