yesterday & today & forever

Hey friends!!

I wanted to share some Scripture & a few of my thoughts in how God has used this is my life.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

On a personal level, growing up in the life of foster care care has showed me a strange level of uncertainty, but it has also taught me the gift of rolling with the punches, a desperate contentment in each moment, & a confidence in pursuing the present as that’s all any of us have anyways.

Let me tell you what I mean by that & how I strive to live with a joyful contentment.

We are all made and loved by our Lord & Savior.

None of our days are a surprise to Him. I take such comfort knowing that He sees each thought, emotion, word, & action. For a long time, I felt consumed by anxiety over the uncertainty of what I could not control.

I would get worked up over a foster sibling & their challenging life, a family drama, someone responding in a way I didn’t like, cancelled plans or things not going well & sitting in disappointment. I wanted to hold myself in pride saying that I worked hard, that this tough situation should have worked out, that I shouldn’t have had to see multiple family members suffer through cancer, that my innocent little siblings had suffered so deeply, that I wanted to get that job or keep that job, and that this was not what I wanted & I wanted God to know it - some days felt unfairly hard. I wanted to feel justified in my daily anger, sadness, frustration, or grief.

Maybe some of these hardships or feelings sounds familiar. I wanted to control each thing and have all the details work out. I wanted to hit each light green on my way to work, have people around me do what I wanted, have less sadness, make a goal and achieve it exactly how I expected it. But that is exactly it my friends! This is where we can reverse our situation back to joy. All of these hardships are in God’s sovereignty & not ours to carry. When we are seeking to honor & glorify Him, He will bring goodness into our lives and He grows us closer to Him. Not always in the way we expect, but we don’t need to worry about it because He know exactly how is will happen.

I have been humbled to see that I do not deserve anything. Jesus saved me by undeserved privilege & has given me the opportunity to live each day glorifying Him. Each day, it is a gift to wake up and put my feet on the ground knowing God has given me life & a new day. Now, I see the joy in spontaneity & living each moment knowing we are blessed to have breath in our lungs & that God is in control.


broken cycles


don’t let grief eclipse your joy