
Hey friends!! Hope you all are having a wonderful week! Rocket & I have enjoyed busy days full of running, school, nannying, & time with family and friends.

I think prayer is something I have truly sought to grow or change in my life. I have always thought that prayer came easily to me. I love to talk & find it simple & part of my hourly life to come to the Lord with all my thought. But recently, I have been intentional with trying to grow my prayer life.

My past prayer routines are usually in the car or while doing other tasks. I was reflecting on my mama the other day & remembering that she always prayed in the car, often out loud, while she drove us to school or our activities. I love that I pray in the car like her. I honestly rarely go an hour without praying. I am so thankful to come to the Lord in joy, in my sorrow or stress, & to pray for other people.

I am striving to grow in numerous ways in my prayer life. I often do at least 2 or 3 things at once. For example, this week I baked banana bread while I listening to a podcast & put on makeup & reorganized my fridge while my banana bread baked in the oven, all while holding a baby. Though I think multitasking is a great skill, I have also been convicted recently to be intentional with my mindset. I want to be present, doing things all the way. I don’t want to be too busy I doing so many things that I am not fully focused on something important. Because of this, I am setting some new goals with prayer.

I still plan to utilize my car prayer time as it works well for me. I am also striving to have focused time once or twice a day where I set a timer & prayer. Simply just pray. Whether in my head, out loud, or writing out my prayers on paper, to have my prayers to the Lord be my sole focus. The timer is to help me keep my mind still & focused on this single task, knowing I have a designated time. I want to be purposeful in going through my prayer list during this time also. I have a running list of people to pray for with requests, trials, praises, or hard situations that people I know are going through. That is a downside of praying in the car as I cannot read my notebook & drive at the same time.

“6 This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

2 Timothy 1: 6-7

These verses in 2 Timothy are some of my favorites in the whole Bible. Our relationship with God is something so special as He created us to be like Him. To be full of power & love & self-discipline. Striving to be like our perfect Savior is a sweet kind of impossible. We aren’t perfect & we never will be, but we are blessed to trust & know our Savior. We have the opportunity to be in relationship with Christ through His Word & prayer, doing our best to reflect His love & grace.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, friends! Jesus loves you!


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being known